Propolis: What is Propolis and How to Prepare Propolis Tincture?

Honey therapy is one of the popular areas of traditional medicine. Propolis is one of the most effective remedies. It can be used in its natural form, but it is more effective and convenient used as a tincture.

Beehive frames with propolis from the upper side of the wood

Beehive frames with propolis from the upper side of the wood

Propolis tincture is a well-known product in the pharmacy market. Often produced using alcohol; propolis drops can be consumed at any time of the year and serve to improve immunity, for treatment of diseases and various infections.

What is propolis?

The name of Propolis originates from the Greek words “Pro” (before) + Polis (city). It is also called bee glue. Just like honey, propolis varies from hive to hive. Within the hive propolis is used for many things like patching small holes, preventing putrefaction when large intruders (like mice) crawl into the hive and die, and inhibiting bacterial and fungal growth.

Propolis can be scratched from the various parts of the beehive or collected using special propolis collection screens

Easier said the hive is disinfected using propolis.
It is composed of “primarily resins and vegetable balsams, waxes, essential oils and pollen.
At room temperatures and warmer the propolis is sticky, and at lower temperatures, it becomes hard.
In composition, propolis is very rich in nutrients:
  • About 50 mineral components: mercury, copper, potassium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus and others;
  • Vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6;
  • Acids: pantheonic, nicotinic, glutamic;
  • Phenolic acids;
  • Nitrogenous substances;
  • Flavonoids
A pleasant rich smell of bee glue is obtained due to the mixture consisting of the essential oils of various plants, their resins, and pollen, 30% of the composition of propolis is wax.


Useful properties of propolis

The most important quality of propolis is its use as an effective antibacterial agent. But it not only acts as an antiseptic. Use of propolis is able to stimulate the body’s production of defenses, which further help it resist the introduction of pathogenic flora. That is, bee glue is an effective immunomodulator.

Propolis is used for the treatment of the following diseases:
  • Inflammation of the sebaceous glands;
  • Fungal infections;
  • Ulcerative and erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Cervical erosion.
Propolis is used as an internal and external remedy, for treatment of systemic diseases and inflammatory processes of various kinds.

Thanks to propolis, it is possible to remove bedsores from bedridden patients. The only contraindication to the use of bee products is an individual reaction, intolerance to bee products.

All of the above health benefits have not been scientifically confirmed, but it has been proven that propolis acts against infection and inflammation in the body.

Side effects of Propolis use

Side effects of propolis are very rare but possible.  Some of them may be:
  • Allergic reaction,
  • Rash on the skin,
  • Pain and sensitivity in the mouth,
  • Vomiting if the preparation contains a lot of alcohol, and if it is taken together with other medicines.

How does propolis allergy manifest? 

Symptoms may occur immediately or 3 to 4 days after consumption. They appear as inflammation of the oral cavity, rash on the skin or digestive disorders.

Propolis should not be used by people who suffer from asthma, are allergic to pollen, honey or bees.

The same applies to pregnant women! It has not been proven yet how propolis affects pregnant women, and therefore its use is not recommended.

Propolis drops uses - How to use propolis drops 

Propolis drops are actually a propolis tincture - propolis dissolved in an alcoholic solution. Studies have shown that alcohol does not diminish the healing effects of propolis.

There are also propolis drops without alcohol dissolved in propylene glycol, but its long-term use is not recommended. Propolis drops for children are without alcohol, and are often used in the form of sprays, to apply it easier to children suffering from sore throat.

On the market, there are usually products with propolis concentration of 10%, and the most that can be achieved is 30%. Propolis drops should be kept in a dry and dark place, and you can use them until the expiration date.
Propolis drops can be soaked in breakfast, mixed with milk or yogurt. Keep in mind that propolis can color the mugs and teaspoons. You can later clean them with alcohol.
Propolis is also used for weight loss, although the mechanism of action is not fully explained.

Preparation of propolis tincture

Propolis is a resin (bee glue) with which bees use in their hives for various purposes. As such it can’t be easily diluted or mixed. Propolis is best dissolved using an alcoholic solution.

Alcohol for propolis must be pure ethyl alcohol (also known as grain alcohol), and use of any other alcohol is not recommended for safety reasons.

The ratio of used propolis and alcohol determines the percentage of the propolis tincture we want to obtain as a final product. Roughly calculated, a mixture of 100 grams of propolis and 900 milliliters of alcohol, will result in a 10% concentration. We need to consider that not all propolis will dissolve in alcohol and there will be some losses.  Most that can be achieved is propolis concentration of 30%.
Also, it is recommended to remove as much as possible of impurities from the propolis, before making the tincture.

To do this, propolis is first cooled, kept in a refrigerator for 2-3 hours, rubbed on a fine grater, and soaked in cold water. Propolis sinks in water, while impurities remain on the surface. Next step is to remove the impurities and propolis is dried.

Preparation of Propolis Tincture

Then propolis is placed in a container of opaque glass jar and alcohol is poured.
On the market, 90% alcohol is used since it dissolves the propolis faster, but it's better to use weaker alcohol 70%, which on the other side takes more time.

Preparation of Propolis Tincture

Do not touch it for the first two or three days, and then slowly shake it several times a day (not very strongly that alcohol does not make a foam) until the whole propolis melts.
The length of this dissolution will depend on the quantity of propolis, a percentage of alcohol, room temperature etc.
The finished tincture is filtered and poured into opaque containers.
The useful properties of propolis are preserved for a long time if properly stored, especially if the container is properly closed every time after use.
The tincture can be kept up to 3 years, but it is better to produce it annually.

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