Plums - fruit that will regenerate your body - Healing properties of prunes

Plums - Healing properties of prunes

Plums are known as a natural multivitamin, but many of us are not used to consume it regularly.
A plum contains 84% ​​water, 0.6% protein, 10% carbohydrate, 2 grams of fiber. Plums have a low level of calories and fat and a high percentage of vitamins A, C and E and the minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Plums - Healing properties of prunes

Healing properties of prunes

If each day you eat only 5 plums, you will help your body to:
1. Reduce the level of blood sugar
Plums have a low glycemic index which means it can help to control the level of sugar in the blood and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
2. Plums can improve eye health
Plums are very important for eye health. Phytonutrients found in plums can reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a disease that affects mainly older people.
3. Prunes protect your heart
One fresh plum contains on average 113 mg. potassium. This mineral helps to control high blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of stroke.
4. Prunes protect your digestive system
Dried plums are a great way to speed up digestion.
5. Prunes strengthen your bones
There are some scientific results that show that the people who eat dried plums have significantly higher bone density in the forearm and waist.
6. Improved memory
If you eat 5 prunes a day will help your body get rid of the negative impact of the effects of free radicals that badly affect our memory.
Plums - fruit that will regenerate your body - Healing properties of prunes

Plums - fruit that will regenerate your body - Healing properties of prunes

Plums - fruit that will regenerate your body - Healing properties of prunes

Plums - fruit that will regenerate your body - Healing properties of prunes

Green Plums

Green Plums
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