Pumpkin - Source of Vitality and Health

Green Pumpkin Plant

Green Pumpkin Plant

Green Pumpkin Plant

Green Pumpkin Plant

Pumpkin Flower

Pumpkin Flower

Among the vegetables, the pumpkin is champion in content of iron, copper and fluorine. It also contains potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc, cobalt, silicon and is rich in pectin's, sugars, vitamins C, E, B, carotene. Concerning the carotene content, the pumpkin is richer even than carrots. In addition, pumpkin is rich in food fibers that are easily adopted by the organism.
Due to the high content of potassium, the pumpkin improves the work of the heart, strengthens the blood vessels and reduces swelling. Thus, pumpkin is an ideal food for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
Pumpkin Flower

Pumpkin Flower

Pumpkin Flower

Boiled pumpkin is especially useful for those who have problems with heartburn. Doctors recommend pumpkin in the diet of patients with stomach ulcer, and is useful in gastritis. In all cases it is recommended to drink pumpkin juice.
Pumpkin is one of the best natural diuretic.

Raw pumpkin stimulates the secretion of bile, stimulates peristalsis of the bowel and therefore helps in constipation.

Pumpkin juice strengthens teeth and prevents cavities.

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