Peppers Health Benefits - Are Peppers Good For You?

In folk medicine in Macedonia, peppers are used as an antidepressant, aphrodisiac, antiseptic and diuretic.
Green Peppers

Green Peppers
Peppers contain many useful and healthy ingredients as minerals, vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids.
Peppers can be mild or spicy and can have different colors and shapes. Peppers are rich in minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C.
Capsaicin is an active component of chili peppers.  Capsaicin acts antiseptic and into the digestive tract prevents the development of decay bacteria and improves the digestion. Actually capsaicin gives the  bitter and spicy flavor of peppers.
Capsaicin increases the level of histamine in the blood, which is a major defense system of the human body against rheumatic diseases.
Peppers are used in preparation of salads and meals, but also for a variety of drinks. Peppers improve the appetite.
Peppers plants

Pepper plant

Pepper plant

Pepper plant

Peppers contain potassium, to whom is  attributed the diuretic and anti cancer action.
Peppers positively affect the surface capillary circulation thanks to the ingredient Citrine, which affects elasticity  and permeability of capillaries. Therefore, the pepper is used to treat atherosclerosis.
The belief in aphrodisiac capacity of peppers is based on the impact peppers  have on the blood circulation. It is well know fact that peppers accelerate circulation in the body.
To answer the question – Yes, the peppers are good for you as long are consumed consumed moderately, especially the spicy ones.
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